17/11 Solidarietà ai migranti in protesta alla Caverzerani!

Siamo solidali con i migranti della Caverzerani che hanno dato vita ad una protesta all’interno della struttura per denunciare la qualità indecente del cibo che gli viene somministrato ogni giorno.
Non si contano i casi dei gestori di posti come questo che propinano cibo immangiabile e guasto per lucrare sulla pelle di persone costrette in questi luoghi, dall’infame sistema delle frontiere e perchè non hanno il privilegio del documento e del colore della pelle “giusto”.
La ventilata accusa di procurato allarme mossa nei confronti di chi ha iniziato la protesta è chiaramente una ritorsione e un’intimidazione perchè quello che succede dentro non venga divulgato.
Siamo vicine e vicini a chi decide di alzare la testa e denunciare i soprusi, nonostante l’estrema ricattabilità della propria condizione di richiedenti asilo.

A fianco di chi si ribella// NO BORDER NO NATION

fonte: http://www.udinetoday.it/cronaca/cavarzerani-cibo-avariato-sommossa-udine-polizia-16-novembre-2018.html

What is a CPR ita/urdu/eng

What is a CPR from https://nofrontierefvg.noblogs.org/no-cpr/



A CPR is a detention building for migrants without residence permit or
political refugee status. So even if you are innocent and you did not
commit any crime, you can be sent there if you don’t have documents or
if your documents expired. OFFICIAL GOAL
The official goal of CPRs is detaining people without documents before
bringing them back to their birth country. People can stay in a CPR up
to 180 days before being sent back to their country. In the meantime,
they are forced to stay there and they cannot go out. Asylum seekers can
also be detained in CPRs during their identification process (up to 210
days). CPRs, however, haven’t got sufficient capacity to imprison every
person without documents, and sending migrants back to their countries
of origin might be very difficult for the Italian government.


The real goal of CPRs is keeping foreign people in a state of fear: no
document could mean prison. Moreover, foreign people are always at risk
of losing their asylum status for committing certain types of crimes,
among these fighting with the police (threat or violence against
officeholder): simply advocating for their rights could become a pretext
to hold them in a CPR. This is impossible toward Italian people.
There is a difference in legal and work rights between Europeans and
extra-European people, which creates the conditions for the exploitation
of migrant workers.
CPRs also represent a substantial economic opportunity for big companies
and criminal associations, as they can take funds for services they
don’t actually offer to the migrants. In the past, migrant conditions in
detention buildings similar to CPRs were horrible.
CPRs are merely propaganda for the Italian society that looks at
immigration as a security problem, without considering the role of
western countries in the economic and political situation of the
countries of origin.


For years, a legal way to come to Italy has not existed. The only way is
to travel illegally and then apply for refugee status. In addition, the
possibility of applying for refugee status is obstructed by border
guards that push migrants away after beatings and violence (push-backs).


Right now, a CPR in Gradisca d’Isonzo is under construction, and others
in Udine and Trieste are being planned, according to local authorities.
Other CPRs already exist in Italy. In addition, push-back practice near
the borders has begun also between Italy and Slovenia.